This is a new monthly desk drop initiative brought to you by CEIU Ontario Region.
CEIU members enjoy the benefits and protections of a solid collective agreement each day they work. Those advantages are not always visible on a day to day basis, but they should never be taken for granted. With this initiative we hope to educate our members by highlighting a different article each month and explain how it affects their work life.
This month: Article 34.05: Scheduling of vacation leave with pay
At this time of the year we are being asked to put our request in for the first six (6) months of our vacation leave.
There is an important part of this article we would like to highlight:
Section b) v. - This part of the article states that years of service shall be used as a determining factor for granting requests only when leave request plus scheduled days of rest total seven (7) or more consecutive calendar days off.
Seven consecutive calendar days include weekends, compressed day off and/or statutory days. However if you request less than seven (7) consecutive calendar days seniority is not considered.
We hope you enjoyed this month’s edition of
Keep an eye out for future editions coming your way every month!
If you have any questions please contact the CEIU Ontario Region Communications Committee
click here to read Article 34.05: Scheduling of vacation leave with pay